Learn how to keep your bees healthy...

Being a beekeeper means understanding risks to honey bee health and knowing how to mitigate them. This course covers basics about bee health and best management practices. Topics include pest and disease biology and identification, monitoring for pests and diseases, record keeping, treatments and integrated pest management.

Start learning about Integrated Pest Management today!

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • A message from the instructors...

    • How to use this course

  2. 2
    • Understanding Pest and Disease Biology

    • Brood Diseases

    • Adult Bee Parasites and Diseases

    • Other Honey Bee Pests

    • Test Your Learning

  3. 3
    • The Importance of Monitoring

    • Monitoring for Brood Disease

    • Monitoring for Small Hive Beetle

    • Monitoring for Other Pests

    • Monitoring for Tracheal Mites and Nosema

    • Monitoring Methods for Varroa mites

    • Watch: Ether Roll

    • Watch: Alcohol Wash

    • Watch: Sticky Boards

    • Watch: Sugar Dust

    • Understanding Treatment Thresholds

    • Record Keeping

    • Submitting Samples to Lab

    • Test Your Learning

  4. 4
    • What is IPM?

    • Industry Problems

    • Components of IPM

    • Test your learning

  5. 5
    • IPM Solutions

    • Chemical Treatments

    • Cultural Management Practices

    • Genetic Stock

    • Using IPM Solutions

    • Test your learning

  6. 6
    • What is Biosecurity?

    • Bee Health Management

    • Operations Management

    • Test your learning

  7. 7
    • Synthetic Chemical Treatments

    • Organic Chemical Treatments

    • Antimicrobials

    • Selecting and Accessing Treatments

    • Test your learning

  8. 8
    • Acaricide Resistance

    • Acaricide Resistance Testing

    • Test your learning

  9. 9
    • Creating an IPM Plan

  10. 10
    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...